Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Jermaine O'Neal says possible age limit is racist.

A friend emailed this to me this morning. Jermaine O'Neal says that the possible minimum age requirment that the NBA may seek to enforce is not just discrimination, its racist. The story is found here: http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/3533684. Now, my thoughts on this is simply, WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH RACE?!?! Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch. This is just standard practice among some people. "Waaaa! I'm not getting my way! It must be racism!" Please. Yes, most of the athletes in the NBA are black. Yes, most of the NEW athletes that want to be in the NBA are black. So? Forcing them to go to a Division One college is racism? If that's the case, then I wish someone would have been racist towards me when I graduated high school! And let's not forget the maturity a former high school age rookie by the name of Jermaine O'Neal showed us by jumping into the stands to beat the shit out of some fans in Detroit last year. That's something that must be taught in all those Duke, Arizona, and North Carolina college courses. Now, I'm not even a basketball fan. And I had to do a little research to find out who in the hell Jermaine O'Neal is. I'm probably not even spelling his name right. However, the facts remain the same. Making a high school age athlete go to college before becoming a professional is NOT racism. To me, I think that its common sense. It gives the athletes an opportunity to grow in maturity, if not just physically. Jermaine, stop playing the race card. Its gotten old.

Check in tomorrow for my rant on Evander Holyfield.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, doll - there is some truth to it. What is the minimum age requirement for say...golf? How about tennis, or ice skating?

That's correct...there is none. In nearly all sports except those predominantly brown, there is no minimum age requirement.

If you are good enough to run with the big dogs, you are allowed to compete. If there is going to be a minimum age requirement there, there needs must be one across the boards, in ALL sports.

Now that, would eliminate any and all thoughts of possible racism, would it not?

5:35 PM MDT  

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