Evander Holyfield is washed up?
Possibly. More than likely. The Real Deal hasn't been the same fighter for years. Now, being the boxing fan that I am, that makes me a veritable expert on the subject. Since everyone knows, that's all it takes to be an expert on any sporting controversies.

Evander Holyfield
Let's take a look at this, shall we? Evander Holyfield, in his last 10 fights, has 3 wins, 5 losses, and 2 draws. However, that isn't really enough to make a judgement. Considering Evander used to be one of the best in the world, I think we need to take a closer look. Of those three wins, Evander beat Vaughn Bean by unanimous decision, John Ruiz by unanimous decision, and Hasim Rahman by technical decision...which was caused by Evander using his head as a jab again, and creating a hematoma on the side of Rahman's forehead. Which, in turn, caused Rahman to say, "I've got a head growing out of my head!"

"I've got a head growing outta my head!"
Now, the draws that Evander had were against John Ruiz and Lennox Lewis. With both decisions being controversial. The Lewis draw was controversial because just about everyone that saw the fight had Lewis winning handily. All except judge Eugenia Williams who somehow had Holyfield winning the fight. The other draw, against Mr. Ruiz was the opposite. Even I, a proud Holyfield hater, had Evander winning that fight. John Ruiz is known more as a grappler than a boxer. He would rather wrestle around than throw punches. He is also an accomplished actor. Anytime someone lands a solid punch to the body on Ruiz, he crumples to the canvas complaining that he got punched in the jewels. That's what kind of fighter Mr. Ruiz is.
Now, lets look at the most important part of this argument. Evander's five recent losses. Three of them have been in his last three fights. His last five losses were to Lennox Lewis, John Ruiz, Chris Byrd, James Toney, and Larry Donald. The Lennox loss is no biggie. Alot of people lost to the Englishman/Jamaican/Canadian champion. John Ruiz...well, what else can I say about John Ruiz? Chris Byrd is good enough to give anyone fits. However, he doesn't have the power to ever really hurt anyone. I actually call him, Chris "Floats Like a Butterfly, Stings Like a" Byrd. I'm so clever sometimes. Moving on. Evander then lost to James "Lights Out" Toney. Kind of an anomaly in the heavyweight division. Lights Out started as a middleweight, 160 pounds. Moved to Super-Middle, 168 pounds. I believe that he jumped right over Light Heavyweight, and moved directly to Cruiserweight, 190 pounds. Now he's fighting as a heavyweight. Granted, he's got the skills to compete, however, I keep seeing James at 160. The man may be bigger, but he just looks like he's fighting at heavyweight so he doesn't have to avoid the free buffets in Vegas. He actually knocked Evander Holyfield out! With a body shot, no less! Now anyone who has seen Evander fight, knows that he always comes into a fight in prime physical condition. However, the man has gotten old! He's 42 for Christ's sakes! The last loss is probably the most grevious. Larry "Frickin'" Donald. Who's that, you say? Larry is best known for getting bitch slapped by Riddick Bowe at a prefight press conference, and then acting like a deer in the headlights in the ring the next night. He holds a unanimous decision victory over Evander "The Real Deal" Holyfield. And that, in as of itself isn't that bad. The scored were, 119-109 twice, and 118-110. That means two judges had Holyfield winning ONE ROUND!!! The other was much more generous and gave Evander a second round.
Evander has stated after every fight, win, lose, or draw, that he wants to re-unify the heavyweight titles. I'm sorry, but I don't think that Evander can beat ANY of the reigning heavyweight champions. Two of the four, Chris Byrd and John Ruiz, already have wins over the man. Why would the need to fight him again? The other two, Vitali Klitschko and Lamon Brewster...okay, Evander might be able to beat Brewster. Klitschko, I think, might send Holyfield to the morgue. The guy is 6'8, 260 pounds! He's a monster! He basically retired Lennox Lewis, because Lewis refused to fight him again after skating by with a technical decision. I'm sorry, Evander. You gave us some great fights in the past. Your trilogy with Riddick Bowe was something legends were made of. And, as much as I hate to admit it, you are a legend. You have some great names on your record. Most of them, you beat. However, its delusional for you to think that you can still compete, much less still win the titles.
You would think that Holyfield's handlers would see this if they actually cared about the man. Obviously they don't, and only see him as a way to get a few more paydays before they get him killed in the ring. Evander is still a name. One of the few fighters that is known mainstream. Hell, you would think that the man's WIFE would get him to retire.
In conclusion, RETIRE BEFORE YOU GET KILLED HOLYFIELD! Boxing has gotten enough so called "black-eyes" without you adding yours!

Evander Holyfield

Let's take a look at this, shall we? Evander Holyfield, in his last 10 fights, has 3 wins, 5 losses, and 2 draws. However, that isn't really enough to make a judgement. Considering Evander used to be one of the best in the world, I think we need to take a closer look. Of those three wins, Evander beat Vaughn Bean by unanimous decision, John Ruiz by unanimous decision, and Hasim Rahman by technical decision...which was caused by Evander using his head as a jab again, and creating a hematoma on the side of Rahman's forehead. Which, in turn, caused Rahman to say, "I've got a head growing out of my head!"

"I've got a head growing outta my head!"

Now, the draws that Evander had were against John Ruiz and Lennox Lewis. With both decisions being controversial. The Lewis draw was controversial because just about everyone that saw the fight had Lewis winning handily. All except judge Eugenia Williams who somehow had Holyfield winning the fight. The other draw, against Mr. Ruiz was the opposite. Even I, a proud Holyfield hater, had Evander winning that fight. John Ruiz is known more as a grappler than a boxer. He would rather wrestle around than throw punches. He is also an accomplished actor. Anytime someone lands a solid punch to the body on Ruiz, he crumples to the canvas complaining that he got punched in the jewels. That's what kind of fighter Mr. Ruiz is.
Now, lets look at the most important part of this argument. Evander's five recent losses. Three of them have been in his last three fights. His last five losses were to Lennox Lewis, John Ruiz, Chris Byrd, James Toney, and Larry Donald. The Lennox loss is no biggie. Alot of people lost to the Englishman/Jamaican/Canadian champion. John Ruiz...well, what else can I say about John Ruiz? Chris Byrd is good enough to give anyone fits. However, he doesn't have the power to ever really hurt anyone. I actually call him, Chris "Floats Like a Butterfly, Stings Like a" Byrd. I'm so clever sometimes. Moving on. Evander then lost to James "Lights Out" Toney. Kind of an anomaly in the heavyweight division. Lights Out started as a middleweight, 160 pounds. Moved to Super-Middle, 168 pounds. I believe that he jumped right over Light Heavyweight, and moved directly to Cruiserweight, 190 pounds. Now he's fighting as a heavyweight. Granted, he's got the skills to compete, however, I keep seeing James at 160. The man may be bigger, but he just looks like he's fighting at heavyweight so he doesn't have to avoid the free buffets in Vegas. He actually knocked Evander Holyfield out! With a body shot, no less! Now anyone who has seen Evander fight, knows that he always comes into a fight in prime physical condition. However, the man has gotten old! He's 42 for Christ's sakes! The last loss is probably the most grevious. Larry "Frickin'" Donald. Who's that, you say? Larry is best known for getting bitch slapped by Riddick Bowe at a prefight press conference, and then acting like a deer in the headlights in the ring the next night. He holds a unanimous decision victory over Evander "The Real Deal" Holyfield. And that, in as of itself isn't that bad. The scored were, 119-109 twice, and 118-110. That means two judges had Holyfield winning ONE ROUND!!! The other was much more generous and gave Evander a second round.
Evander has stated after every fight, win, lose, or draw, that he wants to re-unify the heavyweight titles. I'm sorry, but I don't think that Evander can beat ANY of the reigning heavyweight champions. Two of the four, Chris Byrd and John Ruiz, already have wins over the man. Why would the need to fight him again? The other two, Vitali Klitschko and Lamon Brewster...okay, Evander might be able to beat Brewster. Klitschko, I think, might send Holyfield to the morgue. The guy is 6'8, 260 pounds! He's a monster! He basically retired Lennox Lewis, because Lewis refused to fight him again after skating by with a technical decision. I'm sorry, Evander. You gave us some great fights in the past. Your trilogy with Riddick Bowe was something legends were made of. And, as much as I hate to admit it, you are a legend. You have some great names on your record. Most of them, you beat. However, its delusional for you to think that you can still compete, much less still win the titles.
You would think that Holyfield's handlers would see this if they actually cared about the man. Obviously they don't, and only see him as a way to get a few more paydays before they get him killed in the ring. Evander is still a name. One of the few fighters that is known mainstream. Hell, you would think that the man's WIFE would get him to retire.
In conclusion, RETIRE BEFORE YOU GET KILLED HOLYFIELD! Boxing has gotten enough so called "black-eyes" without you adding yours!
You are correct...but that won't stop Holy. You KNOW this. He has far too much ego to accept anyone else's advice as pertinent or applicable, concerning his future career and faded talent.
I don't hate Holy - he was one of the few fighters I always wanted to watch, because I knew he would fight whatever fight his opponent cared to; usually resulting in a toe-to-toe slam-fest.
Now...well, I don'e ever desire to see him enter the ring again. It's too sad, watching a once-great as a now has-been. Thanks for the terrific boxing memories, Evander - but I wish you'd admit you ain't a Superhero, and hang up that tattered cape.
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