Friday, October 14, 2005

Say it ain't so, Romo!

I have co-winners this week. Both of them are concerning the same situation. Last night, Bill "Romo" Romanowski admitted on 60 Minutes that he abused steroids and HGH. My first thought was, "No shit, asshole." This is a guy that spit in the face of J.J. Stokes on national television. Now, I'm sure that things like that happen on the gridiron all the time, but it was still on NATIONAL TELEVISION. This is also a guy that attacked and severly injured one of his own teammates during a preseason practice a few years ago. And, when I say 'attacked', I mean he beat the guy to within an inch of his life, and almost cost the man his career. Gee, Bill, that couldn't have been 'roid rage', huh? Oh wait, the best part. He's admitting this, and he has a book coming out next week! Never woulda thought of that, right? Congratulations, "Romo", you win your own DWA. Fuckin' idiot.

Part II of the DWA this week is going to all of those Romanowski apologists. "Oh, well he helped the Broncos win two Superbowls, and I doubt that he was on steroids then." Do I have to mention how fucking dumb you people are? Bill Romanowski is an admitted liar and you're still going to believe him when he says he was and was not on steroids? The man was probably on the juice since he was a kid! "Oh, but he was a great player!" Sure, if by great you mean, a fucking cheating, bullying, asshole.

I just heard this on local radio, a book title idea for "Romo": Romo:The Devil Made Me Do It(or was it my wife) Not bad, not bad. He got his wife to take the fall for him so he could continue his steroid abuse years ago. I don't know who's worse, Romanowski himself or the tunnel-vision apologists.

Considering how much I hate the Broncos and their fans, its hard to believe that I live in Denver. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Now, in the words of another sports radio asshole, "I'm out".


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