Punk kids but, did they deserve to die?

I just found this article over at CourtTV.com about a group of kids that were throwing eggs at passing cars. Most of us have done shit like this, but one boy paid the ultimate price. Apparently, one of the vehicles hit was driven by Donald Ware. Allegedly, Ware chased the boys in his trucks, cornered them in an alley, and repeatedly fired at them with a rifle. 15 year old Brandon Dunson was found dead in a pool of blood at the scene two hours later. Sad. Who's at fault? I know what my thoughts on it are.

If guilty, Donald Ware is at fault. What the fuck was he thinking? Shooting at kids for throwing eggs? Seems to be rather extreme, huh? Road rage reaches a new level? Nope. Its been at this level. Mike Tyson went to jail for a road rage incident. Gene Hackman kicked the crap out of somebody in a road rage incident. Things have gotten...no. Things ARE out of hand. This is ridiculous. You can't even give someone a well deserved finger without wondering whether or not they are going to shoot your ass.
Oh, the link to the story...
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