Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Some random headlines

Just going to go with some headlines and make some of my "oh so witty" comments.

A postal worker went, well, postal at her old job and killed five and then herself yesterday. I heard on the news that the United States Postal Service is now going to investigate this phenomena. No shit. There's a reason that we call it GOING POSTAL. You think that they just noticed that this is a trend?

Lindsay Lohan cut her leg with a broken teacup. Why the fuck are they telling us this? NO ONE CARES!!! Then again, I wouldn't have much to bitch about if they didn't.

Along those lines, Ozzy's fat, disgusting, bratty, drunk, and drug addicted daughter decided that she needed her name out there again and started bashing Paris Hilton. Pot. Kettle. Black.

President Bush delivered his State of the Union address last night. I didn't watch it, and I don't know what was said. Personally, I'm so tired of listening to politicians. And I know that I'm not the only one. On one side, you have a bunch of whiny, spoiled brats. On the other side, you have a bunch of whiny, spoiled brats. Potato, potAHto.

In Alaska, a 17 year old girl is on trial for, allegedly, convincing two men in their mid 20's to murder her mother. Both men are witnesses against her. Apparently, both men were in love with the girl. Now, I know that most men would do just about anything to get a little, but I'm guessing that there REALLY must not be much to do in Alaska. Sheesh. Sad story all the way around.

That poor young woman is still being held hostage and used for propaganda purposes. Before I go off on TOO much a rant, I just want to say, there is no one to blame but the kidnappers themselves for this and anything they do to her later.

Ayman al-Zawahiri(I had to copy and paste that name because there is no way in hell I could spell that) sent out another video on Al-Qaed...I mean, Al-Jazeera TV to basically say, "Neener neener you American infidel pig dogs! You will never catch me! Muhahahahaha!" Of course, I probably offended a fair few people with that. Tough shit, quit being so fucking sensitive.

Iran...Iran...and Iran...Iran so far away... A play on a Flock of Seagulls song for you youngsters out there.

Cindy Sheehan was arrested last night at the President's speech. Nothing like making her into even more of a martyr. Truthfully, and I wish I could put my finger on why, the woman just bugs me. Michael Moore/Cindy Sheehan '06! A leftist's wet dream! I think I'd call Joe Pesci to put two in my head...with a .44 Magnum.

A headline stolen directly from, Tall men get better educations...just ask Professor T.O. and Doctor Artest. And I'm adding Senator Rodman. Ha ha!


On a personal note, my pool team CRUSHED the competition this past weekend at our city qualifier tournament. We Kick Ass. 'Nuff said.


Blogger Tom said...

Matt, you nailed it again (without having to make it murder anyone I might add). Funny stuff.

One thing though, being a leftist (for lack of a real way describe people other than with which hand you use) I would shudder at the Moore/Sheehan thing. That scares me. What I want is an actual leader that knows what the hell this world is coming to and is willing to do something about it. Not like the current one who will do anything it takes as long as it's for Rich Christian White Males who drive Hummers (but have never had one). Unfortunately the "left" party don't have anyone like that any more than the "right" does.

Bonus points for making A Flock of Seagulls relevant in any way to the contemporary world.

12:13 PM MST  

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