Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Cynthia McKinney

So she walks past a busy metal detector at the capitol building, gets stopped by a cop, and instead of explaining who she is, she punches him. Does she, A. Apologize? B. Accuse not only the cop, but the entire Capitol Hill Police force of racism, trying to cover her own act of stupidity and violence?

Sadly, she chose B. The cops were willing, unfairly to us common folk I think, let the whole thing slide. She, however, was not. She called press conferences, has gone on just about every major news network, and AVOIDED EVERY FUCKING QUESTION. She can't even answer Soledad O'brien at CNN when she asks simply, "what happened?" Her answer was a long harang about rampant racism in the country and at the capitol. At the end of the interview, Soledad asked Rep. McKinney if she had any final thoughts. Want to know what she said? Nothing. She had her lawyer answer for her. And they never did answer the original question of what happened. All this grandstanding from someone who's major contribution to government is introducing a bill to find out who killed Tupac Shakur...the rapper. I didn't realize that things in congress were so slow, that they needed to investigate street crime.

Think of it this way...if I, a WHITE male, had walked past a security gate at the capitol building, and then when I was stopped by a police I punched the you think for one second I wouldn't have been tazered, pepper sprayed, handcuffed, and arrested? She hasn't been. In fact, the police department has to go through the fucking attorney general's office to try to even get an arrest warrant for this jumped up little nothing. But, its because the police are racist. Nothing to do with her radically changing the way she looked, and not wearing the lapel pin that is supposed to identify congressmen and women to the police. But its racism that caused the police to stop her. I see that Rep. Cynthia McKinney is one of the people that plays the race card whenever she acts the idiot and is trying to cover for her own stupidity. She cries wolf, and makes things much more difficult for people that have ACTUALLY suffered from racism. Cynthia McKinney should be ashamed of herself.

On a personal note, if Ms. McKinney comes across my lowly lil' blog, I fully expect her to sue me for libel, racism, and probably a multitude of other shit. She appears to be that type of person.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cynthia is a complete idiot. While I live in Georgia, I do not live in her district. It is unfortunate that people in her district have actually voted her into Congress twice! Needless to say, her district is overwhelmingly populated with African Americans, so there is little doubt that she will be kicked out by a concerned public.

She is a by-product of her family and her father was kicked out of the Georgia legislature. If memory serves me right, he broke the law, but then again, it was probably because some White guy set him up. If you heard both of them rant about Jews, my guess is that it was probably a White Jew with Red-neck leanings that caused all their trouble. After all, it never is a McKinney who is at fault. Just ask them!!

Sam Grant

3:50 PM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One last word on this subject. it would be nice if Cynthia would actually do something in Congress other than collect a pay check. What an opportunity to actually make a difference in the lives of people.

I would love to have that opportunity, but I am the wrong color!

3:55 PM MDT  
Blogger Matt said...

Thanks for replying Sam and welcome to Matt's Angry Rants!

I've heard a few things about McKinney's father and her anti-semitism, however I don't think I'm informed enough on those aspects to make a comment. What I have read, however, seems to make lil' Miss Cry Racism a racist herself.


5:54 PM MDT  
Blogger Whimsical Ranter said...

I heard her attorney telling people on TV today that the ONLY reason she was stopped was because she's African-American--insisting that if she was white no one would have said a thing. I guess if that's true, I, being white, can just avoid security checkpoints and walk right through them whether I have the right to or not.

11:05 PM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things - first, she actually CAN'T talk about it; gag order while litigation procedings are in effect.

Second, though her methods are questionable at best, I seriously doubt the actuality behind this entire incident was unplanned in the slightest.

She's a woman with a lot to say - some of it not remotely as idiotic as the rest, especially the hinting around on the incident itself. I think it was planned completely, from choosing to not wear her pin, to the media blitz afterward. We're coming up on an election year, folks...and though she won't be running, the squeaky-ass wheel gets the grease, ya know?

Was getting stopped because she wasn't wearing the equivalent of her employment security badge racist? Hell, no - anyone not wearing theirs, would be stopped and questioned - not because they were not recognized visually, but because a security badge is a security badge...forget to display yours, and you WILL get hemmed up.

She knew this. She used it as a catalyst to get heard on a whole shitload of political issues.

As I said, the method was crappy and falsified, but she's damn well being heard, so I can't really say much in the end. It worked stunningly well. No person who has been running around Congress and Capitol Hill as many years as she, "forgets" their pin. Ever. Ain't gonna happen.

2:21 PM MDT  

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