Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Just a short post today...

I'm so sick of everyone with the "Holy Crusader" attitude. The standard, "this is the way I believe, and if you don't believe the same, I'll hate you and you'll burn in hell", bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with people today? Whatever happened to free thinking? The ability to say what you want and think what you want? Considering politics on this issue, BOTH sides are extremely guilty of this shit. So is the media. The media is so biased on way or the other, I find myself watching DVD's and not knowing what's going on in the world.

I support our President. I support our government. I support our military. Do I think they make mistakes? You're goddamned right I do. Am I going to try to kill you for thinking differently? Nope. I don't care if you think differently. So what? Free thinking is part of what makes The United States great. However, my personal rule is, I won't try to make you think like me, so don't try to make me think like you. Deal with it.