Friday, May 26, 2006

And the child molester is sentenced to...probation?!?!?

That's right kiddies. A child molester in Cheyenne County Nebraska was sentenced to 10 years probation for two felony sexual assault against a 12 year old girl. The judge gave him probation because he is, "too short for prison". Uh, who fucking cares? He raped a child! Send that short little asshole to the fucking klink! He gets a pass because he's short? What the fuck was that judge thinking?!?! Oh, they were concerned that he would face undue dangers in prison due to his height. No, he would face dangers in prison because he's a convicted child molester! Does this mean that I can use the "I can't go to prison for murdering a family of five because I'm too fat defense"? Maybe this little shit should have thought of that before he sexually assaulted a 12 year old girl? But, noooooo. We have to be politically correct. Heaven forbid a child molester goes to jail for the crime that they've been convicted of.

I guess what it comes down to is the judge was more concerned for the criminal's welfare than she was for the VICTIM. This judge should be removed from the bench and disbarred and fucking tarred and feathered in a public square. And the molester, Richard W. Thompson, should be sent to a PMITA* prison for several several years. He deserves NOTHING less.

* Pound Me In The Ass

Monday, May 15, 2006

The People's Republic of Boulder

Wow. I hadn't realized that it had been a month since I'd last posted. Ah well. Only three people read this damn thing anyway. Let's try to offend them, shall we? You will understand that question better after you read about what has my boxers in a twist today.

From the Colorado town that brought you the JonBenet Ramsey investigation and Ward Churchill, I now give you...drum roll please...THE HATE HOTLINE!!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Boulder wants to institute a "Hate Hotline" for anything that offends someone elses delicate ears and sensabilities. Link is here -----> The Denver Post

Now, they are setting this up so people can call in about any racial slurs that they may hear. Hey, did you hear the one about the Polock that put screen doors in a submarine? I can say that. I'm part Polock. Deal with it. However, I guess that I can be reported to the Boulder Thought Police. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO FREE SPEECH YOU BASTARDS?!?! Oh, I guess I shouldn't have called them bastards...shhh, don't tell anyone.

This "hotline" is supposed to be centered on racism. However, read the following quote.
There is, for instance, the policy statement condemning the usual individual or collective acts of racism and bigotry. Great. But it also condemns those who attack "personal beliefs and values."
So, if that is meant to be taken literally, I can report anyone that doesn't believe the same way I do! Yay! Wait...I don't live in Boulder. Thank god for that. I probably would have been arrested YEARS ago if I did.

In conclusion, I'd like to thank the good people of Boulder for telling me what is alright to say and think. Free speech means free speech. Not "free speech as long as you say the same as I do." Glad to see that the ACLU is on the right side of this issue for once.