Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ol' Pat is at it again...

After taking a little break from posting, and basically, the internet in general, I come back today and find that Pat Robertson has once again stuck his foot in his mouth. Now he says that Israeli leader Ariel Sharon essentially deserved his health problems and God punished him for giving Gaza to the Palestinians.. This man is a christian and he's gloating over someone else's demise? What the fuck is going on in churches today? This man has millions of followers, and yet they believe this delusional crap that spews from his mouth like runny hangover diarrhea?! This is the "christian" leader that called for the execution of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez last year! Now, personally, I think Chavez is an asshole too, but to call for his death? Hello? Planet Earth to Pat Robertson, THE FUCKING CRUSADES ARE OVER!!! I'm waiting to hear that Pope Benedict calls this guy and says, "Dude, shut zee fuck up!" By Pat's logic if I have a heart attack or a stroke or get hit by a falling piano, I deserve it for any mistake I might have made previously in my life. Does that make sense? Not to me. Pat had better hope and pray that he never gets sick and lives forever when he makes statements like that. That's the only way he won't have to answer to his God for the bullshit that he has spread in his name. Fuckin' idiot.