I Don't Get It
*Seinfeld mode on*
What's the deal with Goths?
*Seinfeld mode off*
"Oh, I'm sooooooo depressed. No one understands me...I wish I could die, but I don't have any ambition to actually DO it. I know! I'll dress in all black, dye my hair black, paint my fingernails black, wear black eyeliner and lipstick, then EVERYONE will know how depressed I am! Oh, did I mention that I'm a guy?"
These people remind me of the manic depressive robot in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Poor me, poor me. I get so tired of the "No one understands my pain" bullshit. Y'know what kiddies? No one understands my pain, either, but I don't go around advertising that I'm even IN pain. Whassamatter? The jocks picking on you? The popular girl you like won't give you the time of day? Ever think that its because you look and act like a fucking pansy? Oh, I'm going to go home and cry while I'm listening to my Nine Inch Nails cd's and plan on blowing up my school. Oh no, I've got another zit! It must be because everyone hates me...waaah waaah waaah!
Welcome to adolescence kiddo.
And while I'm on the subject of teenagers...
Sometimes I think that teenagers are smarter today the my generation was when we were at that age. However, most of the time, I can't believe how stupid these kids are. The sagging pants, the hat worn just off to the side, the weirdest fucking piercings, shit like that. I must be getting old, because I just don't get it. I was out shooting pool last night, and there was a group of kids that my team was playing against. My friend John summed it up the best when he said, "Looking at these kids reminds me that I have to take out the trash when I get home tonight." Granted, they were all around 21-24 years old, but they still had that same teenager mentality. Each team in my league has its own name. You get some clever ones and some REALLY stupid ones. Our team name is Worst Case Scenario. I think the team we played last night should have been called When White Met Trash, but I think Britney Spears is using that for the title of her next album.
I'm so goth, I shit bats.
What's the deal with Goths?
*Seinfeld mode off*
"Oh, I'm sooooooo depressed. No one understands me...I wish I could die, but I don't have any ambition to actually DO it. I know! I'll dress in all black, dye my hair black, paint my fingernails black, wear black eyeliner and lipstick, then EVERYONE will know how depressed I am! Oh, did I mention that I'm a guy?"
These people remind me of the manic depressive robot in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Poor me, poor me. I get so tired of the "No one understands my pain" bullshit. Y'know what kiddies? No one understands my pain, either, but I don't go around advertising that I'm even IN pain. Whassamatter? The jocks picking on you? The popular girl you like won't give you the time of day? Ever think that its because you look and act like a fucking pansy? Oh, I'm going to go home and cry while I'm listening to my Nine Inch Nails cd's and plan on blowing up my school. Oh no, I've got another zit! It must be because everyone hates me...waaah waaah waaah!
Welcome to adolescence kiddo.
And while I'm on the subject of teenagers...
Sometimes I think that teenagers are smarter today the my generation was when we were at that age. However, most of the time, I can't believe how stupid these kids are. The sagging pants, the hat worn just off to the side, the weirdest fucking piercings, shit like that. I must be getting old, because I just don't get it. I was out shooting pool last night, and there was a group of kids that my team was playing against. My friend John summed it up the best when he said, "Looking at these kids reminds me that I have to take out the trash when I get home tonight." Granted, they were all around 21-24 years old, but they still had that same teenager mentality. Each team in my league has its own name. You get some clever ones and some REALLY stupid ones. Our team name is Worst Case Scenario. I think the team we played last night should have been called When White Met Trash, but I think Britney Spears is using that for the title of her next album.
I'm so goth, I shit bats.