Monday March 27th
Disclaimer: These are my thoughts alone, and I'm not trying to get anyone to believe the way I do. Unlike the people that I'm going to bitch about.
Last week I was writing a post about the Rev. Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church. I actually got so angry and pissed off, that I had to stop because I was becoming increasingly vile towards these people. Now, I know that many of you feel that way about them, some don't, but most do. I think that these people are disgusting for protesting soldiers' funerals to push an anti-homosexual agenda. Personally, I think the Patriot Riders should hire some Hell's Angels to ride with them the next time they are blocking the Phelps Gang from trying to get to close. I don't care if you hate homosexuals, and I don't care you are one, or you you're indifferent about them. Personally, I have no problem whatsoever with them. One of my best friends is a lesbian. A very outspoken lesbian. I have a feeling that Pat Robertson and Freddie Phelps are buddies. They both put out the same bigotry.
Hugo Chavez has now said that if the United States invades Venezuela for their vast oil reserves, they will attack with bows and poison arrows. Umm...good idea, Hugo. I don't think the Navy would risk supersonic attack bombers flying in the stratosphere against arrows. Especially POISON arrows. Ooh, and he called us "gringos". Them's fightin' words!!
In a bit of news from Toledo, a 14 year old girl taught an abductor the meaning of the word NO! with a hammer to the groin. Way to go, kiddo!
Zacarias Moussaoui said today that he and "shoe bomber" Richard Reid were to hijack a fifth plane to fly into the White House on September 11th. No comments, for fear of the Muslim world going all Salman Rushdie on my ass.
On just about every news site I've looked at Scarlett Johannson being names FHM Magazine's sexiest woman. I might agree, but why the hell is this on or
I read somewhere over the weekend, I wish I could remember where, that some high school in Los Angeles...I going to ban thongs. Isn't that a little extreme for your high school to regulate your underwear?
In hot babes news, Kate Beckinsale is awfully awfully HOT!!!
Last week I was writing a post about the Rev. Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church. I actually got so angry and pissed off, that I had to stop because I was becoming increasingly vile towards these people. Now, I know that many of you feel that way about them, some don't, but most do. I think that these people are disgusting for protesting soldiers' funerals to push an anti-homosexual agenda. Personally, I think the Patriot Riders should hire some Hell's Angels to ride with them the next time they are blocking the Phelps Gang from trying to get to close. I don't care if you hate homosexuals, and I don't care you are one, or you you're indifferent about them. Personally, I have no problem whatsoever with them. One of my best friends is a lesbian. A very outspoken lesbian. I have a feeling that Pat Robertson and Freddie Phelps are buddies. They both put out the same bigotry.
Hugo Chavez has now said that if the United States invades Venezuela for their vast oil reserves, they will attack with bows and poison arrows. Umm...good idea, Hugo. I don't think the Navy would risk supersonic attack bombers flying in the stratosphere against arrows. Especially POISON arrows. Ooh, and he called us "gringos". Them's fightin' words!!
In a bit of news from Toledo, a 14 year old girl taught an abductor the meaning of the word NO! with a hammer to the groin. Way to go, kiddo!
Zacarias Moussaoui said today that he and "shoe bomber" Richard Reid were to hijack a fifth plane to fly into the White House on September 11th. No comments, for fear of the Muslim world going all Salman Rushdie on my ass.
On just about every news site I've looked at Scarlett Johannson being names FHM Magazine's sexiest woman. I might agree, but why the hell is this on or
I read somewhere over the weekend, I wish I could remember where, that some high school in Los Angeles...I going to ban thongs. Isn't that a little extreme for your high school to regulate your underwear?
In hot babes news, Kate Beckinsale is awfully awfully HOT!!!